​You Don’t Know Joe: Stump your local barista with this coffee trivia

Posted by Joseph Millennial on Sep 14th 2015

Nowadays, baristas really have to know their stuff. Mochas, cappuccinos, single-origin beans, pour over coffee — I can’t keep track! Although, I am curious how well they really know their stuff. There seems to be a whole world of coffee knowledge out there. I wonder if they can keep up!

I’ve looked up some obscure coffee trivia that might throw them for a loop. Try these questions out on a barista at your local cafe, and see if they’ve been studying! Or better yet, impress them with your own expertise.

 Q: How much more caffeine does a regular cup of coffee have than an espresso?

        A: Three times as much

 Q: How many calories are in a plain cup of coffee with no  additives?

       A: 0

 Q: What is the only U.S. state that grows coffee?

        A: Hawaii

 Q: The coffee drink “mocha” comes from the name of a port in which country?

        A: Yemen

 Q: In Turkey, brides spike the groom’s coffee with what ingredient to test him before the wedding day?

        A: Salt

 Q: In Japan, they bathe in coffee grounds fermented with ____ in order to reduce wrinkles?

        A: Pineapple

 Q: How many years does it take for a coffee tree to reach full maturity?

        A: 5 years

Did you stump them? Baristas who get half or more of these right really know their stuff. I’d definitely call those the cream of the crop. They can probably make a great cup of coffee worthy of a splurge. Less than half, and I'd wonder if they really care about coffee at all. I bet I make coffee better than those types do. Maybe I should reconsider my profession. Or better yet, maybe I'll just stick to my homebrew, save the cash and keep learning about my favorite drink in my free time.