Our vast research and development on our coffee products, makers (brewers) and processes has allowed Courtesy Products, LLC to secure numerous patents over the years. The following is a list of our products and their related patents:
Product Description
One Cup ground coffee filter packs and disposable brew baskets used in conjunction with one-cup electric coffee makers (brewers) are covered by one or more of the following patents:
One-Cup electric coffee makers (brewers) used in conjunction with One-Cup ground coffee filter packs and disposable brew baskets are covered by one or more of the following patents:
U.S. Patents
USP 7,081,263--USP 7,258,884--USP 7,311,037--USP 7,770,512--USP 8,003,146--USP 8,784,922--USP 9,751,687 B2
U.S. Design Patents
Canadian Patent(s)