Hey Joe…Where You Goin’ With That Mug in Your Hand?

Posted by Everyday Joe on Jun 9th 2015

Where am I going? I’ll tell you where. I’m going for a good cup of coffee. No, I don’t need a barista to make it. I don’t need to drink a cup that costs me nearly $5. And I certainly don’t need my coffee to come with a back scratcher.

Let me repeat: I’m just an everyday Joe looking for a good cup of coffee.

Why should you care what I think? Who am I? After all, I’m just a guy. Here’s the thing — I’m probably a lot like you. I work hard, I play hard, I don’t get reality TV, I love my family and, like many of us, I start every day with a cup of coffee. I don’t need my coffee to come with some adorable little swirl in foam. I don’t need a coffeemaker that is the size, weight and cost of a compact car. I just want a good cup of coffee to get me going in the morning … and maybe a few more times throughout the day depending on how much sleep I got the night before.

So today we begin a new “journey” about drinking coffee and the regular Joes (like me) who drink it. No pretension. No false fronts. Just real thoughts, good coffee and maybe a little attitude now and again.